blah blah blah says the talking heads in the tv box

07 November 2004

It's not enough that Bush won, but they must breakdown and analyze who voted for him, who voted against him, who will be running in 2008, and what downfall he'll face as a second-term president in 2006. Are any of these things relevent now? They seem to talk more about these things rather than what he will set out to do, or what he is doing right now. I'm glad that he got voted in, but this was all sooo last Wednesday. It's Sunday. Get over it.

They're also showing all these hollywood liberals protesting the election. Your state went to Kerry as it is. Move to Florida or Ohio and try to make a difference there, b/c you're doing nothing in Cali.

I'm going to start the P. Diddy for President campaign for 2008. That will definitely get the youth vote out there. =)

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