Some people say, 'tis better to give than to receive. Well, I gave. $500 worth of stuff. I bet you that frugal people quoted that to get more out of their more generous friends. The jerks. =P However, I did get some nice presents. I got a cute pink XOXO mini-backpack, a pink v-neck lacy top, a mini makeup kit, a Ginobili jersey (!), and the book I wanted (he's just not that into you).
It actually snowed for Christmas. Everywhere except for where I was. It snowed in pcola, and lots of areas in Texas, but not SA. The Christmas party was basically me singing karaoke until midnight, and then the drunken titos take over with their renditions of jingle bells, puff the magic dragon, and desperado. Yes, fun was had by all, but maybe a little too much fun had by certain others. And then, there are some people whom I would never have pegged for... thrill-seekers. Shocking and crazy, and a bit disgusting... ewww.
We went to Houston on Christmas day. Had an uneventful Christmas night watching DVDs at my Aunt's house, but got to reconnect with an old acquaintance, so all was not lost. But, the drive to Houston was what the day was really about. Getting drunk off Sprite and Sudafed, hahaha... good times.
The family headed for Biloxi, watched an overpriced Broadway Christmas show, and in the after hours my parents gambled. I can't wait til next year when i can join them! Yes!!!!
So, now I'm back in p'cola. Did my bit in raising the local economy down in the mall. I also managed to read that self-help book cover to cover, and let me tell you... it's pretty redundant info, but it's worth it.
At the end of the book, it says that I should make my own list of "super helpful standards that I will never ever forget or forsake no matter how hot I think he is," so without further adieu:
1. I will not date a man who invades my personal space without permission.
2. I will not be with a man who does not respect my values.
3. I will not be with a man who disrespects my family and their values.
4. I will not date a man who is a self-proclaimed anything.
5. I will not go out with a man against whom I would feel I'm constantly debating.
Owen tried to argue with me on one of the book's dogmas: do not date a man who does not ask you out first. The only reason I cannot argue to capacity is because... well, owen is a special case, and his views on mating rituals are a bit warped. Oh, and owen also says I'm unapproachable. To him, I am. good.
xmas recap, biloxi excursion, and good ole p-cola
28 December 2004
Posted by
Ms. D
2:49 AM
Am in lurve <3

- xmas recap, biloxi excursion, and good ole p-cola
- Wearing ribbons and a bow has never been so in style
- Well, try out for American Idol AGAIN!
- and the leaning continues!
- update on the leaner
- Sleep-deprived, and CNN is on
- Tables are turned, sucker!
- Resolutions
- So, i'm watching CNN instead of studying
- Funny results to white peoples' ignorance
- Deseo tu attencion... deseo tu afecto... yo le des...
- Check out the new design...
- this sucks
- some morning insight
- Amazingly pertinent
- Press Rewind
- Three years ago, December third was a Monday.
- you know you want a taste of my apritada
- Tenative plans for getting eff-ed up this Christmas
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