Sleep-deprived, and CNN is on

14 December 2004

All the blood in my veins- gone. It's been replaced by cheap instant coffee. I hate exam time.

I cannot believe Scott Peterson has been sentenced to death. I can't believe the jury didn't like him that much. I mean, I think he's a mo-fo wife killer that deserves to be castrated w/o anesthesia, and I do think he's going to the worst part of hell, but wow... death.

Yesterday made it one year since Saddam Hussein was captured. Isn't strange how both Saddam Hussein and Scott Peterson were brought to justice on the same day? I wonder what will happen a year from now. I wonder if this somehow marks the second coming. If the second coming is at hand, then I hope it comes before tomorrow so I wouldn't have to study for my Wednesday morning exam.

Most likely not. Oh well.


Now is a good time to go out on dates or ask folks out for the first time. Your interpersonal skills are flawless and you'll get along well with almost anyone.

Yeah. I can imagine that phone call right now: "Hey. I'm the girl of your dreams. I want you to take me out." Why would I say that? don't know, but I love utilizing Franz Ferdinand lyrics to 'da illest.

**One more thing-- isn't if funny how I would prefer judgement day over exams?

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