Went crazy in Borders today and wrapped up a storm, and we got over $300 in donations! Shooooot.... it had to be my girl and I being loud and illegally cute. Too bad none of the money goes to me, but I got free coffee from a guy whose first name is my last name.
As much as I love being in Texas, I really miss the freedoms I had in Gainesville, because now there are parents within a 20-foot radius. So, pretty much all we're allowed to go out for is shopping. Kristine has major Christmas shopping left to do (talk about last minute, it's Christmas EVE!), and even though I'm done, I keep shopping too. Daaannnng..... Too much money spent, I'm a poor broke college child with a falling GPA.
My daddy bought a new car today, and traded in the car which I affectionally call "the spursmobile." It's the end of an era, for sure. We have had that car for as long as my Aunt has been married (since '93). We went from coast to coast, roadtrippin' in that car, and back in the day I thought it was the best car. We had a TV, VCR, and a nintendo in it, and it had two coolers on both sides. Now that I look back on it, we were pimpin' it at the time. HAHA, who knew?? I remember when we traded in another van we had... it was a Ford Aerostar. It was back in 96 or something, and I cried and cried and begged my dad not to trade it, but trading it was unavoidable. Now, I just don't care about the spursmobile. We've probably spent more time in that car than we've lived in our house, and maybe my apathy is accountable to my maturity, but I feel like I should feel more sympathy to that car. Sure, it's an inanimate object, but we sold it, right before Christmas. We're going to be driving back to Florida in that new car-- a Lexus RX300. It's going to be soooo cramped. Grrrrr.
So here's the deal w/ stupid leaner. He thinks he's flirting back. Yes, back. What the heck. I'm making an effort to make this Blog more child-friendly with a little less F-four-letter-words, but I am in such a disbelief that makes me wish I knew more expletives so that I could utilize them for this very person and this very situation. Perhaps I could invent some, but later when I'm more composed, maybe. The other night I was searching iVillage.com for advice on letting him down gently. Here is the funniest I found:
I don’t believe in God or marriage, and I think drug legalization is the way to go.
But then again, he might think I'm flirting with him, because he is that dense. Here's most likely what I will say:
Thank you for your interest, I am flattered by the compliment. However, I am interested in someone else at this time. I wish you all the luck in finding someone who is compatible with you.
But, who says compatible in conversational talk, really? I wish I could just yell at him. Lots of bad words. Bad words that begin with F and end with uck you. But, I'm ready for a happy Christmas Eve, free from weirdo leaner thoughts. The Spurs won against the Twolves tonight. Yay, they did not let me down two nights in a row, and tomorrow I will definitely sell out to the sushi chef in G-ville who dogs on my boys.
Wearing ribbons and a bow has never been so in style
24 December 2004
Posted by
Ms. D
2:48 AM
Am in lurve <3

- xmas recap, biloxi excursion, and good ole p-cola
- Wearing ribbons and a bow has never been so in style
- Well, try out for American Idol AGAIN!
- and the leaning continues!
- update on the leaner
- Sleep-deprived, and CNN is on
- Tables are turned, sucker!
- Resolutions
- So, i'm watching CNN instead of studying
- Funny results to white peoples' ignorance
- Deseo tu attencion... deseo tu afecto... yo le des...
- Check out the new design...
- this sucks
- some morning insight
- Amazingly pertinent
- Press Rewind
- Three years ago, December third was a Monday.
- you know you want a taste of my apritada
- Tenative plans for getting eff-ed up this Christmas
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