Yesterday around 10pm, after Yayyi finished working out, he called me up. We were supposed to play tennis around 10:30 or so, which I was looking forward to. When he called, he sounded out of sorts, and the fact that he even said he wasn't feeling like doing anything should have been a signal for me, but I didn't back down. I wanted to play tennis, and he, being a man of his word, did not even try to persuade me.
So, we played at the courts at his apartment. They were unkept, to say the least. The lighting was bad, and we were using dead balls. Yayyi was not happy, and not only did that kill my mood for tennis, but he was also hitting his balls extra hard. So many times I suggested we not play, but he said we should continue, and despite that he would still complain about the courts and the balls. So, that was the beginning of my bad mood.
Then we went back to his apartment, and we chilled for a bit. While we were talking, he said, "I've never seen you angry. I want to see you get angry."
From that I should have known that he would be trying my temper. I hate when people play games like that, and Yayyi is no exception.
Later, he started wrestling me. I know how to use my strength, but I wouldn't think to use it on people. And then his wrestling started hurting me. He did not relent until I pushed him away with all my force. And then he didn't understand why I was upset.
I remained quiet, and he started trying to joke around. He had the audacity to ask me why I wasn't smiling or talking to him.
"If you spent the past half hour playing tennis with an asshole and then are physically assaulted by said asshole, would you be smiling?"
That's what I wanted to say, but a wise rabbit once said that if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. Thumper, from Bambi. Great movie. Makes me cry every time.
He then he started apologizing, and then he said something that completely caught me off-guard.
"You're one of the nicest girls I've ever met, and it scares me and I don't know how to deal with that."
Of course I was still angry after that. He deliberately tried me and wanted to see if I could get angry. Just call up Ronnie Hicks and ask him how angry I can get. He'd tell you how I snapped in the school playground and started kicking his shins until they were black and blue.
But, I was tempted to just get up and leave, but frankly I was interested to see what else he had to say. He continued apologizing, and of course I was inclined to forgive him. To be honest, I forgave him after his first "I'm sorry," but I was still too angry to talk to him.
And so the story goes. There is a happy ending: the making-up process was very enjoyable. =) Then, he was very reluctant to part with me when he walked me to the car. What a punk.
Epilogue: I drove all around Gainesville to three different Oriental stores just to get him this certain Chinese snack he loves. Then, I dropped it off with his roommate, telling him to only give it to Yayyi once I was gone. I'm such a retard.
The Nice Girl and the Jerk
29 July 2005
Posted by
Ms. D
2:16 AM
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