I've been in my first official relationship for about 4 days now, and we've been seeing each other since the 17th of June. He just left for Prague yesterday because his cousin is getting married, and I'm left alone for about 9 days or so.
You know those moments you just want to encapsule in time and in memory forever and ever? One of those moments that just hits you as too good to be reality? I haven't blogged in a while, and I've had such blog-worthy words to type out but have been neglecting it on account of too much to say and not enough time to say it, but this is something I just have to put to words right now as I am sitting here at my computer.
I've been in my apartment all day long, practically. It was around 7pm, and I was about to take a shower, and i heared knocking on my door. I thought it was B with some drama... again... So I jump out of the shower and put on my robe.
Turns out it wasn't B. It was someone knocking at the front door. I peer through the little hole, wondering who the heck got me getting out of my shower, and there's someone with a package at the door. I open the door, and what do you know? He's asking for me. 1-800-Flowers was delivering me a package. I sign for the package as best I could without flashing the delivery guy, and I take the package in.
FLOWERS! I've never gotten flowers before. Well, I've gotten flowers from my parents before... but this is way different. I just want to jump around and show off the flowers to the world, but who to tell? I want to wait a while before telling my parents and see if this thing works out. I can't just IM people and say "I got flowers from him!" I don't want to sound like I'm bragging. I'm truly happy for this moment, and I don't want people messing it up with cynical analyses or anything else. Why can't I share my happiness with other people?
I told my roommate the minute she walked through that door. She loves flowers, and she's been waiting so long to see me with a boyfriend. And once I told her, she had the nerve to shake her head and say, "and how long have you known him for?"
She couldn't even be happy with me. And I could go on for longer about how I've been so supportive and gave so much of my input into all her boyfriends and flings, but that would draw away from this moment-- the first time I ever got flowers from an admirer. Her cynicism can't touch me right now, and I won't ever let it.
It's been about a month that I've gotten to know him. We see each other practically every day in lab. We hang out, grab lunches, play sports, cook each other dinner, go clubbing... and we talk to each other. We talk without restriction or restraint-- he's told me about his life, his experiences, and I've told him about mine. We are just honest with each other. Maybe it's only been one month that I've gotten to know him, but I know him better in one month than I've gotten to know people I've known for years, and I don't find that scary or too fast. The flowers are a gesture of appreciation, and I've never felt more flattered, and I'm not gonna read any more into it. I'm just gonna sit back, enjoy my flowers, and get to studying for that test.
14 July 2005
Posted by
Ms. D
9:29 PM
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