I'm ready for the news so tell my straight
hey doctor, just what do you diagnose?
There ain't a surgeon like you any place in all the world
so now shall I remove my clothes??
So, here I am, suffering at this ungodly hour from the worst post-nap headache in history, and what do you suppose? I can't help but smile, but we'll get to that later.
First, I want to vent about my tentative bellydancing situation. Layla, who has been choreographing an outstanding presentation for the VISA talent show in April (since last summer, no less), is hardly receiving any support from her own people. If I were Persian, I would be busting out with my dance culture. Actually, I don't know if I can say that considering I don't participate in FSA's dance events. The ever so sharpened pencil point is that these kids are too lazy to participate. Over two hundred people are a part of the Persian Student Society, and she's struggling to even confirm ten Persians for the dance. That's five percent. Thumbs down for 95% of you PSS gators. for shame. And, I have nothing but the greatest admiration for Layla, who has been dealing with their noncommittal promises from the beginning. And, I realized another thing... viewed from a certain angle, one certain massively-thighed dancer looks like Aladdin. Maybe? Eh... maybe not. But, he sure is fine! I read somewhere online that you can get someone to fall for you if we both keep eye contact for extended amounts of time. Let's just say I'm currently performing a scientific experiment on random samples of guys... well, one parameter-- they have to be hot. ^.~
I've caught the eye of a Tiger, and I'm thinking that my Valentine's Day won't be so desolate and inconsolable after all. Tiger and I have flirted for about.... 4 months now? I believe so. Yeah, so I threw the Leaner thing in his face and asked him what he would do about it, since Tiger claims that I will someday be his "wifey." He said he'd come to my rescue, in much less poetic terms, but with him I just can't take anything he says seriously. And, I'm a bit miffed that I only got Tiger to be my valentine in order to save me from that pathetic situation of either being valentine-less or valentine-leaned on. Not the most romantic of situations, but I wouldn't count on anything romantic between Tiger and me anyway. I just want to have a good time with somebody, and I do have fun with Tiger. And, the fact that he is in that can't-be-taken-seriously state with me makes it all the more fun.
Now, I saw Leaner today, at the Reitz. How come when I ask him to be there, he never is, and when I don't really want to see him ever again, he shows?? There is no justice in this world. =P He was definitely wanting to hang out, but I was suffering from inexplicable mid-winter allergies, a major headahe, and hungerpangs. Also, I was running late for my Kaplan session. I'm glad he wasn't leaning. As much as I am loathe to wish for even my worst enemy to be the object of his affections, I do hope he finds someone else to pester. I saw him talking to some other girl when I was rushing to the cafeteria to grab myself a quick bite, and for an instant I thought my hopes had been realized... and when I had come out from the Wendy's order pick-up line, who would I come face to face with but him. Lucky me.
I also so Mr. President today. He was coming out of the same bus I was about to board. That means he lives in my area! Now, if I could only coordinate it so that we ride the bus at the same time. Wow, I sound kinda Leaner-ish. Hehee. Lavell recently brought up that the Prez walks with a limp. Before that, I hadn't noticed a thing, but now it's all I see when I see him. It's funny the things you don't really notice when you've got a crush. Darn you, Lavell!
Now, I wish to sum it up with what will happen tomorrow. The Doctor will be making a housecall. Chatting with him around midnight, I told him about my head ache that keeps me nonsomnescient. Is that a word? If not, it should be-- Either that or sonorously-incapacitated. Tomayto, Tomahto... whatever. I can't sleep because my head hurts. He first suggested a head massage... i wouldn't have been so bold as to take the suggestion a step further, since I am claiming to stay away from him after all, but he did offer to run some painkillers my way tomorrow if I were still cephalodynic. Okay, I'm positive that word is real, so HA! I wouldn't want my headache to last for that long... but, to see whether Dr. Can would be true to his word, I wouldn't mind a couple 24 hours or more of this headache. Whether or not it lasts, I'd probably have him run by some Aspirin anyway, just in case. ^.~ In that same article that mentioned the eye-contact thing, it also said to let a guy do something that he offers to do. But... yeah, I'm soo over the mentality I took on when I first met him, although I still am a bit shy around him. I think, getting over him should be like a step-by-step process. Sooo... would planning to have him come over tomorrow mean that I'm regressing? Oh dear.
Fever sure has got me good
26 January 2005
Posted by
Ms. D
1:33 AM
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