Last semester I made a promise to not blog unless I had something profound or eventful to say, hence the lack of daily (and at times, hourly) posts that I put up last semester. Actually, lots of things have been happening, and maybe I've been a bit too busy lately to put pen to paper, or in this case finger to keyboard. But, somewhat succintly, I'll try to put it down now before I look back on this blog in ten years and wonder why my January 2005 was so uneventful.
I've started dancing with the Persian Student Society. We meet three times a week, and we're practicing for a talent show in April. Last year, FSA won first place. Soley based on my ethnicity, I should be dancing with FSA, but I have no true loyalties to them... hahaha. And, here are the three main reasons why I'm dancing for PSS and not FSA: 1) Bellydancing, 2) my best friend's the choreographer, 3)Pooya, the cute PSS secretary that with the massively muscular legs that's also dancing. =) Plus, I kinda want to see certain FSA ppls reactions when they see me bellydancing on stage come April (all exept for the Leaner-- Back off!!!). But, NOT ONLY am I belly dancing--- nooo, it doesn't even end there--- I will be doing the SPLITS!!!! Currently, I'm lucky to get my legs to form an angle greater than ninety degrees (that's an obtuse angle, folks!), but that'll change soon.
Did you know that redecorating a space brings two people closer together? I read it somewhere that couples who redocrate their rooms have a greater chance of staying together. Anyway, Brigette bought this big huge wall clock: original price, $150; purchased at $10. The only thing is that it doesn't quite work right. It's a clock that runs on it's own time... like in "All Dogs Go to Heaven" when they're in that room with clocks all going at different speeds. Doesn't matter to us, since we're so dependent on our cellphones for the time that it's a surprise we can still tell time. Okay, so this purchase was made last Saturday. I got home from Jax, saw the clock, and felt inspired to rearrange the furniture. Now, our whole MLK weekend is devoted to decorating our living room. I'm really happy that we're getting along right now.
Lastly, and the thing that takes up most of my time these days:
One-Semester Organic: I have a Chem-crazed Englishman for a professor. At least it makes the two-hour 8:30 am class worth going to.
Physical and Rheological Properties of Biological Materials: Professor is nice, material seems easy, but the lab projects... eeek.
Biological Engineering Lab: Not worried about this one.
Dynamics: iffy
Mechanics of Materials: I had this professor during the summer term when I took Statics. He's a personality. I like him. He made this joke in Statics that went something like "Area of a circle is pi r squared. The FSU grad would say, no: pies are round, cakes are squared." Believe me, it's funnier when spoken. I was scratching my head for like a good minute until I finally got it. Anyway, he told the joke again this past Monday. And then five minute later people would interject in the middle of his lecture "ooooh!!! Cakes are squared!" hahahha... yeah. Good times.
Okay, so much for making this update brief... Anyway, there's an FSA meeting this Thursday, so you can imagine I'll be posting a message this Thursday night that'll be along the lines of "Dang you, Leaner. Heeelllooo, Dr. Can! Mr. President, you're looking mighty fine," et cetera.
excitingly unexciting
11 January 2005
Posted by
Ms. D
11:13 AM
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