Yesterday, the guy across the hall whom I never met was kind enough to lend me his tennis racket and balls!
Tennis was fun, but I don't feel like I got a workout from it. I'm not achy like I should be. Kari, however, got really good at serving and returning. Now all she needs to work on is returning it without letting the ball bounce twice. I envy her long legs.
I went to a different church today. I was kinda let down by the homily and the music was a bit over the top, but it was a wonderful site. The church was just so big and a modern architecture design, but still with the same awe-inspring feel that makes you feel all warm and safe. I think it's great to find two churches like that within a small city like Gainesville. The thing about the homily-- it basically talked about money and tithing... I was expecting some exclusive Catholic news regarding the Pope or the beatification of Mother Teresa at least. Nope-- they talked about money. I guess we see the priority of things then.
Anyway, I'm finally getting around to doing homework. I went crazy for about 30 minutes with the new febreze allergen control that I bought. Hopefully I'll stop sneezing.
19 October 2003
Posted by
Ms. D
4:07 PM
Am in lurve <3

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