Absolutely loved today... except the part where i worked on a problem for 3 hours and got nowhere on it. They warn you about these things in grade school, and I was shocked when I first heard about such problems. Now I hate it, because I feel that I put so much work in that I better solve it. Yeah, I still get nowhere.
I set my alarm for 6, and then I woke up, got back to sleep, woke up, got back to sleep, finally dragged myself out of bed around 7.
I got into trouble during calculus for looking at my newspaper. He put it in my backpack. ^_^ So funny.
Schwarzenneger is governor of Cali... isn't that just weird? Great for the Republicans, but I seriously think this is one of those signs that the world is coming to an end... or just going to a really low place. Who knows, I could be wrong. We'll see what happens.
Max gave me a free tall Mocha something or other. Yummy! It's the reason I'm up right now. That and my homework. I love friends who give me free stuff. Ahhh... I feel so loved.
I met up with Layla at lunch... and then I introduced Layla to Krystle. They got along well. ^_^ And, I ended up telling Krystle what went down w/ me and Lavell. I didn't want to, but Layla kinda blurted it out, so I had to explain.I don't want to bias Krystle, because I know she and Lavell are friends.
I'm just typing in random thoughts as I go. These events are obviously not in chrono- order.
I played tennis w/ Kari, which was a great workout! I'm so proud of myself for still knowing how to play, and I'm proud of Kari for getting better as the night went on.
Smallville was interesting... Just like a soap opera. Speaking of which, I should find out what happened in All My Children. Did Bianca tell her lover Lina that she's going to carry Michael's baby to term? Did Jack find out what Erica and David were doing on the night of Michael's murder? Will Kendall and Ryan ever hook up?? What's the deal w/ Juan Pablo and Carlos?
We'll see what happens.
Good night!
09 October 2003
Posted by
Ms. D
1:23 AM
Am in lurve <3

- It took me an hour or so to do my 9 physics homewo...
- I went to physics and made my first hundred on a q...
- Today was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, t...
- i found out that i can get my PDA shipped to the m...
- oh my god... oh my god oh my god. The screen on m...
- I forgot to mention-- i just found out one of my b...
- Jacksonville was awesome! I love my cousins, but ...
- Worst News: I made a 56 in my calc test. A 56!!!...
- Yesterday, the guy across the hall whom I never me...
- I'm a nationally recognized smarty pants
- word of the day: pedant- one who shows off learn...
- The test was not too bad! I anticipate getting no...
- I haven't studied too much for the calc test that'...
- I had this dream that i was trying to catch all th...
- They are doing some sort of construction in lakesi...
- I FAILED a physics test. I got a 2 out of 8. =( ...
- On the issue of a nation "under God" How can a hal...
- I do believe now that I was cursed by a email chai...
- Danced with three guys. Not the greatest dancers,...
- Plan of the day
- Just cooked myself some Spam and eggs, and then I ...
- I woke up late. I barely reviewed all the chapter...
- I forgot to mention>> I was walking back to Lakesi...
- A short story, by Amanda Diego There was a knock ...
- I'm at Shands Hospital right now, and I'm supposed...
- Absolutely loved today... except the part where i ...
- Today was a roller coaster, filled with ups and do...
- So, I don't think I'll be going to sleep any time ...
- Oh my God! it's 2 AM! watching that stupid "once...
- Dear God, Help us to show love to those most dear ...
- Did I mention I hate scary movies? Charlie, Brige...
- Just got back from a party that was busted by the ...
- Last night was just lovely~ There was this Christi...
- Fantastic News: Boring Dr. Chau canceled hiss cla...
- I need something to do this weekend. My roommate ...
- Okay, I haven't done calculus, like i said i would...