So much has happened over the past five days, how do I begin to list them all?
Lunch w/ Biz was refreshing. That day, I had a MUSHROOM for lunch. it had some cheese on it too. It was great to just talk to him! I forgot what that type of talking is like. =) Biz is a nice guy, but I'm not attracted to him in the slightest, so it just won't work out. =/ But, Boystealer says to keep him around if he should ever become president of the US. "You'll be the First Lady, and I can be the First Lady's friend." Because it's all about the Boystealer. =p He wants to take me out to dinner Monday.
I wrote 4 papers in two days. Lab report-type papers. I'm the lab report goddess.
Blue's blue eyes are looking my way. He's sweet and funny, and an engineer. But, he's Tiger's friend too so right now it's a tough call. Glad to be expanding my horizons though. =) Speaking of that slick sonofagunn, Tiger's got himself a gf. HAHAHA!!! that clears up the nebulous matter of why he wanted to hook me up with Blue. I've noticed something extremely mind-boggling. Guys will only play matchmaker with you when they've got someone. So... seems like fairygodmother's been keeping a little secret.
Icequeen and Mia came down this weekend, and they brought a whoole lotta liquor. And, he made the tastiest drinks I've ever had. Seeing them was a blast. And, I can actually claim that I have turned a gay man straight... for like an hour. ^.~
A certain Mr.President missed my booty-shaking self at arkadia Saturday night. OOOH LA LA. And then, around 3 or 4 AM... dropped a few Bombs in my living room, with him, a coworker, and fairygodmother. They saw me... um... intoxicated. How random that they would stop by too. =p
boy oh boy... having way too much fun, and two tests on Wednesday =/
20 March 2005
Posted by
Ms. D
11:06 PM
Breaking double bonds requires lots of energy
15 March 2005After hours upon hours of studying (and sometimes not studying) for the organic test tomorrow, that is all that I can remember right now. My brain is hurting, my ears are ringing... what am I doing up so early?
This weekend it's gonna be hot in G-ville. Whether or not Florida finally realized it's March and not December, who knows, but... Mia, Lae, and I-- las tres chicas calientes -- will be reuniting in the Swamp. One night only, and it's gonna be a sight.
Posted by
Ms. D
3:21 AM
they're wanting more, more, more, more, more
14 March 2005As I said in the previous blog, I sang Saturday two national anthems. That day seemed to be "attack Amanda's sinuses" day for pollen, and I was sneezing times three. I had a runny nose, and I was so afraid of the possibility of mucous projectile coming from my nose and into the audience while in the midst of singing "Aaannnd the rooooocket's reeeed glaaaaaaare..." Number one fear that night.
Secondly, I had not quite memorized the Philippine national anthem, so I was afraid of mispronouncing the Tagalog, or possible dead silence from not knowing what comes after "mo'y tagumpay na naginingning." Number two fear stemming from the fact that there were Filipino parents in the audience. And, to a much lesser extent, I was afraid of screeching... but I'm always afraid of screeching. =p
My only self-criticism of that performance was that I got nervous and let my voice quiver a little in the early segments of the US national anthem. Oh, and facial expressions whenever I mess up. what a dork I am that I still let them slip out. Other than that, pretty darn good. I think that people seemed to like it. =)
So, updates on the nonexistent love life. No--- it's still nonexistent, but what else do I categorize this news under?
Tiger: I don't understand you at all. Friday, you mess around on how we should go out. Sunday, you were always standing next to me, and then Sunday night you tell me you want to hook me up with your best friend?
Dr. Can: you're girlfriend is stick thin. feed her some of that anaphylactic sushi or something.
Biz: new guy that's gonna feed me on Thursday. At first, I thought you were gay. Then you told me Saturday you have a girlfriend. Then you ask me if I wanted to have dinner with you. Considering you told me you have a gf, I figured "sure, okay. why not? strictly platonic." Well, ABCD tells me you HAD a gf, and you seem to be reporting back to ABCD all your movements. pwaaahahahaha... how funny.
Bottom Line: childish, trifling boys trying to play with a little girl's naive heart.
One more thing about Mia, who's been MIA from my life ever since high school... she's coming to visit this weekend... with the flamboyantly gay playboy, IceQueen. I want to give Mia a firm slap across the face and ask her what is wrong with her, but at the same time I want to hug her and have fun and party. Decisions, decisions.
Posted by
Ms. D
12:09 PM
This season, white is in
13 March 2005So, from partying with the MS. ABCD last night, here's the short of it: me, looking ridiculously pink yet oh-so-adorable and un-intoxicated, gets eyed by all the guys. One's even asked me out to dinner-- unpretentiously and respectfully.
And you Filipino guys should take notes, because that's the way it's supposed to be.
On the other side of the spectrum, I was driving down Archer today, and I had worn a bandana because my hair out of control, and I get hollered at, by a guy with gold teeth. ick.
Posted by
Ms. D
2:46 PM
i had processed carbs today, and it was good
cake, pancit, rice, cookies... could it get any worse? OH, and it seems to me that every Filipino dish has some sort of meat in it. No wonder I've never met a Filipino vegetarian. I know my cousin tried it out for a little while, but now she eats beef. haaha. I'm glad I've only got two weeks to go. =)
Sang two national anthems today... got myself banned from two more countries, haha. J/K. It was all good.
Posted by
Ms. D
2:34 AM
i've been supersized
07 March 2005OMG. Spring Break has been very bad to me... Which is the best way to go-- anorexia, bulimia, or exlax?? Possibly a gastric bypass.
Posted by
Ms. D
9:48 PM
Something's missing
06 March 2005I figured out while perusing through a former classmate's journal what I've been lacking all this time. Not just any boy... any guy friend... no. I need a gay guy friend. I need someone to tell me what shade of nailpolish would match my scarf, or someone who will give it to me straight (so to speak) about how I truly look that day. I used to have one in high school, but I left him in Pensacola when I moved out here.
I'm sooooo deprived here in gainesville. =/
Posted by
Ms. D
11:49 PM
New Lover
02 March 2005I've been back in good ole' p'cola now since Saturday. Didn't study. not one bit. Did some spring cleaning in my room, but it seems messier now than before. Is that how it's supposed to go?
My dad is taking the job in Orlando, so instead of a 5-hour drive home, it's 2 hours. Is that necessarily a good thing? I haven't quite figured it out yet. However, Fairygodmother is an Orlando native, and he's already planned out everything from the hospital my mom will work at to the house my family will purchase. I'm looking forward to that. =)
I have an orgo test in two weeks, and I haven't even opened my backpack and taken a look at my books. But really, who can study with all the distractions?? Darned AIM =p
Also, got a new PDA!!!!!!! it plays MP3s and movies!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
Ms. D
1:05 AM