Either in kindergarten or first grade, I read Aesop's fables as a way of learning how to read. It doesn't seem that the kids I work with receive the same education, which seems like such a shame. My favorite one is the one about the sun and the cloud. Both see a boy wearing a coat, and they make a bet on who would make the boy remove his coat. The cloud starts first, and he creates wind gusts to try to blow the coat off the boy, but the boy only clutches it tighter. Then, the sun starts warming up the weather, and the boy takes his coat off. Moral of the story: Warmth is disarming.
So, I was reading my last two entries... from January. So long ago, and I sounded like I had something to prove. Now, it's August, and I don't think I've kept up with even one of my new year's resolutions. Not only that, I am still procrastinating with my grad school obligations. Moral of the story: the lazy grasshopper who plays all summer will starve come winter.
Aesop's Fables
03 August 2008
Posted by
Ms. D
10:15 PM
07 January 2008Apparently, it really is a word and is not just the name of the board game. One time, I even had the letters to spell "scrabble" on the board but did not think it was a real word. I figured, if I use it and am challenged, I'll definitely lose. However, had I used it I would have gained +50 points since "scrabble" is a 7-letter word. No matter--- I still won the game. =P
Scrabble is something done in haste... like "scribble scrabble." Perhaps, it can also apply to the quality of my work towards the end of a semester. At least, that's how it's been in the past. As I venture towards this new year, this new chance, and this new career field, I want to elevate myself above scrabbling and scrambling and become a focused and more precise individual. One whom children and adults can positively comment on. I've been getting much positive feedback lately from both sides. To my superior, I am organized (I don't know how she figured that) and creative. To the kids I am caring, upbeat, and perhaps a bit too lenient at times. On a whole, all this response is extremely comforting, and this lets me know that maybe my life is finally heading in the right direction.
However, I think this semester will be defining for me. My job has given me much more responsibility now, and I have 4 3-credit graduate school classes to take. Considering my job is about a 25-hour part-time job, and I'll be putting in at least 16 hours for school, I've got a 40-hour job that will require more of me than I've ever cared to involve myself in. I've got to leave my scrabble cap soley for the board game.
Posted by
Ms. D
7:49 PM
Faux Pas
05 January 2008What happens when your significant other is invited to a mutual friend's birthday party while you are not? Was it perhaps a slight overlook or indeed deliberate omission? Should I have my bf inquire, or should I let things sort themselves out? Shall I take offense or be the turn-the-other-cheek-so-they-can-slap-that-too sort who are ever understanding?
Why do I take FACEBOOK so seriously???
ugh. I feel yucky.
Posted by
Ms. D
12:27 AM
Šťastný 2k8
03 January 2008So, in keeping with the staid tradition of the new year, I've compiled a top 10 list of resolutions to strive for this 2008.
10:. read one book a month
09:. finish War and Peace
08:. all A's
07:. keep clothes hung or folded when not worn
06:. learn more Czech phrases (for the future in-laws)
05:. get toned
04:. create a financial portfolio
03:. expand my vocab with word-a-day from dictionary.com and urbandictionary.com
02:. take vitamins daily
01:. listen to parents and Lola
Posted by
Ms. D
10:48 PM