Revelations are mind blowing in that what is clear to you now has been what you've kinda figured all along. I just spent a nice long talk with Martin, Brigette's "friend," and basically what has been speculated ranting on my part has been the truth all along. And, it was Brigette who had in a sense organized our impromptu discussion about.... things. She was the one who asked me to answer the door when Martin came knocking, and then she who had already fallen asleep when Martin finally arrived. We chatted over free Papa John's breadsticks and chicken tenders, and I told him about the latest thing that he had done to get her so upset. Now, in recent times I've come to an understanding that whenever she gets really upset, it's because she was the one at fault, and she is working her brain trying to place blame on someone else. So, I when Brigette initially told me why she was angry with him, I felt like she was the who had set herself up to be screwed in the end (kinda like the conversation that Martin and I ended up having). I told him what happened, I told him what she said, and he told me what happened.
It's inconsequential what went on between Martin and her (because it has very little to do with me!), so I won't say any more on the matter, but we kept on the topic of Brigette, and some major revelations were made between us both about Brigette's true character. He is telling me I should talk to her about it, which is the wisest way to go on the matter, but I'm only 19.... I think there should be an understandable limit to the capacity of maturity on my part until I begin my own selfish and immature vendettas. In other words, blah blah blah, whatever, I'm going to do what I want.
But, now I feel foolish in saying what I had said before. I proudly proclaimed how good of a relationship Brigette and I had, but in fact, it was all lies on her part, and that's the part I'll probably feel the worse about 'fessing up to.
I may be innocent, but I wasn't born yesterday
16 October 2004
Posted by
Ms. D
5:38 AM
14 October 2004So many times I sign on to blogger, and then when i get to the dashboard, I don't know what to type about. Has that ever happened to you? It couldn't be that my life is boring, because I'm very happy with myself right now. I could be doing better, I guess, but for the most part, life has been happily uneventful. Maybe I should get some drama back in my life. I'll try not to post anything more until I have something more interesting to say.
Posted by
Ms. D
7:46 PM
You can take the pinoys out of the PI, but you can't take the PI out of the pinoys
11 October 2004All of my aunts and uncles are going on a cruise this friday, and they're going to meet at ivan-ravaged Pensacola on Wednesday, and party in Biloxi on Thursday before they board the ship at Mobile on Friday. This is exclusively a baby-boomer generation reunion, because all of my cousins and I are going to be stuck in the states. My cousin Maria and I talked about the injustice while I was in Oregon, and we both decided we should have our own family reunion without "the moms and dads" in Las Vegas, and we should leave the under 18 kids with them. Sounds good, right? Unfortunately, we don't have the organizational qualities that our parents have.
Anyway. Everytime my family travels up to Chicago, all of the titos and titas get together and the play mahjong. Hours upon hours will pass by, and you can still hear those little plastic mahjong tiles coming from the other room. Whenever they "shuffle" the cards together to play a new game, it sounds like a little kid trying to put up his legos. When Ferdi's girlfriend Mary (now his wife) would visit his parents' house, they would be playing mahjong in the other room. Then one day, she made the comment to Ferdi: "Your family must really like popcorn. Whenever I come over they're always popping it in the other room." Of course, she is referring to the sound of the mahjong tiles.
The popularity of the game among the Diego clan is for the fact that it's a gambling game. My family loooooves gambling, especially since the elder Diegos are on a whole luckier than other families. Gambling may be a venial sin explicitly outlined in the Bible, but when it is done among family, and when the winnings are ultimately distributed to me and my cousins (and even during tithing collections in Mass) the lack of virtue in the act is compensated by the generous nature of the winner, if that makes any sense at all.
So, on our family message board (yes, the Diego family is online), my dad posted the necessary info, since he is the unofficial person in charge of this whole event. As a side note, let me just say that I've never seen my dad so excited that his siblings will all be visiting our Florida house (even if Pensacola is not at all recovered from Ivan, and is currently suffering from Tropical Depression Matthew). For the past 5 years he's been trying to get people to visit our house, because this house is truly something to be proud of (4 bed, 2.5 bath, and one huge back yard with an enclosed pool, worth roughly a quarter-mil). Sadly, people who will remain nameless will promise to visit and at the last minute find a reason to not go. So, now everyone is coming to visit at the same time, and I'm pretty sure my dad's heart is shouting for joy. Even though he can't take them to Pensacola Beach, which is currently closed off to its own residents because of the hurricane, I'm pretty sure he'd still take all the titos to the local strip club off Palafox St, and my titas and my mom will talk about all the family gossip, starting from after dinner until 7am. Then, they'd start cooking breakfast.
Okay, back to our Diego family Yahoo Group. Each passenger on the cruise is allowed to bring two carry-ons. Now, mind you, a cruise is bound to have nightly activities and so forth and so on. My Tita Carmen posted this question on the message board:
Who will bring the mah-jong set? Maybe we need two. Let us take a count of players. Brix will play and we can bring the mah-jong set if needed. Helene said we can use the recreation center to play the mah-jong.
My titas and titos are so funny.
Posted by
Ms. D
1:11 PM
Mr. X
10 October 2004Mr. X comes from a wealthy, well-respected family. Mr. X is on the path to success, yet he is very humble and gentlemanly. Mr. X is considerably atheltic, and he can sing and play guitar, and he is devoutly Christian. Oh, and I must not forget to mention that Mr. X is handsome. Up til now, I cannot say that there is a flaw, but then why is it that Mr. X has not yet had a girlfriend? It is not as if there are no girls attracted to him, because each time I talk to him it seems that yet another girl has thrown herself at his feet, and he does not know what to do about her, he tells me. I have thought the question through and I have reached an answer: he may have all the book sense in the world, but he is totally lacking any sense in human mating rituals.
Posted by
Ms. D
10:11 PM
Locks o' Love
07 October 2004ten inches, gone. How will I ever survive the harsh Florida winters? It was one of those TV moments comparable to Felicity's (Kari Russel) own hack job. Everyone tells me it looks good, but I'm still in shock about how short it is. What keeps me from going completely insane is the thought that my hair is going to cover hairless heads of cancer patients-- a more worthy and admirable cause than looking cool with long locks. Besides, it's been my experience that hair grows back.
Posted by
Ms. D
2:04 PM
me and the athiest
05 October 2004I met an athiest this weekend coming out of 238. His name was Ted, and he helped me walk across a puddle. So, he asked for my #, and I'm incapable of resisting anyone who pays me profuse compliments (not matter how corny they may be), and he called me the next day.
He asked to hang out w/ me sometime (this was saturday that he asked) and I said, Sunday at noon, after church. He then began preaching to me how any people with religion are deluding themselves and not accepting reality. Also, by having a religion that defines what is good from what is evil, one keeps himself from objectivity and equality for all people. And, Ted ranted to me for an hour about how Christians are not open-minded and that the very basis of every religion is unfounded. He, as an athiest, relies soley on proven truths, and he said he is open-minded, but at that same point he flat out calls me irrational for being a Christian. I was willing to accept his beliefs without further discussion, but he would not stop his verbal persecution of Christianity until I would recant my own beliefs. Hypocrisy, thy name is Ted.
My Rebuttal: Firstly, the very basis of any religion is that of faith, and the very point of it is that you have to just believe without the proof of existance. Just because there is no photograph or video recording of God creating everything does not mean that it never happened. The proof that there is a God is my very existence, and the existence of life everywhere else. And, in all of my experiences, and through all the decisions I have made, God has been with me. In everything tangible, I understand His power and care. In everyone I meet, I feel His goodness and love.
And, I cried. I felt weak and belittled by his athiest arguments and I told him not to call me back. I prayed so earnestly for his soul, and I felt so horrible that i had refused his soul's cry for help. I was so angry (at him and at myself)t, but I could not hate him, and now that my head is a little clearer, I feel sorry for him. His hypocritical cynicism will let him never experience true beauty or love. He will never see life as having meaning or purpose. He will live life knowing that when he dies, he will no longer exist. If that is reality, then call me irrational for wanting more.
Posted by
Ms. D
1:09 AM
happy birthday, you lying stealing slutbucket...
01 October 2004Long time, no see. I swear, blogger is like my emotional booty call, accessible 24/7 whenever i need to let out any pent-up frustrations. Basically, anything I wouldn't have the guts to say to other people, I turn to blogger. So...
My roommate is lying to me, again. and she still contradicts me on anything I say, and she is just too deceitful. She is deceitful to the point of incapability of cohabitation. In other words, I don't know if I'd want to live with her another year.
She keeps all of these guys on a leash, and I'm not saying this in a "I have no boyfriend" fit of jealousy, because I'd rather not have any of the guys she's into, personally. Her patented pattern for weaving the proverbial web: flirt uninhibitedly with any guy and bring them home; change into "more comfortable" clothes (sports bra and shorts); get them to bare soul, make them think she understands (what she understands is what you can do for her when the time comes); let them spend the night (without intimacy-- she's conniving, not easy); repeat as desired. She talks about what she wants from a marriage, what type of person she wants to marry... but, frankly, I don't think she could commit to a person as strongly as she is committed to herself. These guys are normal guys when I meet them, and they go crazy once she's done with them. One guy employed her to decorate his apartment-- now he's proposing marriage to her. She tells me she just isn't physically attracted to him and she would never be interested in him, but I guess she just doesn't have the heart to break it to him (?). Another guy moved from New Hampshire to Florida for her. Another guy comes banging at my door at 3 in the morning, upset over something, even though she claims that nothing is going on between them and she doesn't really like him that way. Now, what would possess a guy to do that unless he were passionate about something? Yeah... uh huh, lying slutbucket.
One guy has seen her for what she is, I am happy to say. He was a summer fling to her, and now he goes telling everyone how much she lies. He's a smart guy-- probably the smartest guy she's ever been with. And, I have a class with him, so I'm glad to know I have someone to talk to about these things.
Before, I didn't care either way what happened between her and these guys, because it made for a fun reality soap opera, but now she is making me upset over this. I am not going to allow myself to be one of those whom she drags along.
Who am I kidding? I will keep giving her second chances... psshh.. bleh.
Posted by
Ms. D
1:21 AM