Yesterday night I had to take a thermo test, and I redefined the term "to pass with flying colors." I don't know if the test was graded yet, and I don't mean to sound cocky, but I definitely spanked that bad boy. Well, I hope my grade reflets my confidence right now.
I got home, and as predicted, there were no parking spaces. Brigette, who was talking outside with her friend Will, told me to park across the street, in front of the Post Office, right next to her car. "It's visitor's parking; you can't get a ticket there." Famous Last Words.
I went down to my car the next day to take a trip to the grocery store, and I see the notorious yellow envelope on my windshield. I look to the car on my right-- Brigette's car-- and I see the same yellow envelope there too. Well, apparently they DO ticket visitor parking.
Brigette says we'll lie our way out, stating our ex-roommate situation as the reason we parked across the street. I don't understand it, really. I think I should just contest it, tell the person: "Look, I've never gotten a ticket before, and I parked across the street because it was not marked with any particular decal parking. Sorry."
a tale of two parking tickets
31 March 2004
Posted by
Ms. D
5:59 PM
God must be a Gator fan for He made the sun orange and the sky blue!
30 March 2004This was part of the email that I received from the Housing Department Head. He basically said, "don't talk to me about it, because I'm just too important to be bothered," without even acknowledging that they wronged my roommates and me in the first place. I'm sick of this bullshit.
Anyway, as of now I'm sitting across from a certain crush of mine right now, typing into his laptop. He and the other girl Michelle are both studying, but I decided to take a little detour and type into the infrequently-updated blog of mine. I signed up for my classes for the summer and fall, and I studied all I can for Thermo before I said "screw it all" and started visiting random websites. About him: he is such a goody-goody, it's so... surreal. The worst of him is that he pops his fingers! He is going into med-school, he is a very active Christian, he's a good-looking Asian, he plays the piano and bass guitar, and he's atheletic. He used to be into cars, but not so much anymore. He doesn't like alcohol either. Is this guy freakin' forreal here?! It's just like Santa Claus or "As Seen On TV" products --- it's just too good to be true. Currently I'm trying to find out what is wrong with him....
Posted by
Ms. D
5:32 PM
Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us
29 March 2004This past weekend, I had plans of hanging out with my high school friends. I drove to Orlando and spent the night at Leah's houseg; then we went to Punta Gorda, a small town three hours south of Orlando, going on I-75. We met up with Carlo and we went to the air show. We saw people jump out of helicopters, antique planes, and alot of fat white people with portable patio chairs. And then afterwards, we ate lunch at the mall and watched the latest Tom Hanks flick-- The Ladykillers. It ranks in the top ten most bizarre movies I've ever seen. Other movies on that list include Zorba, the tale of a armless homicidal circus performer who in actuallity has both arms, and just about every other French film I've ever watched.
Anyway, I drove back to Gainesville Saturday night. While I was sixty miles or so away from the dorms, my roommate calls me up and asked me when I arrived. I said that I hadn't yet. She gets quiet. She then tells me, "someone broke into our dorm." The lights were on, our pots and pans were all over our floor, and our cupboards were all wide open. Nothing was damaged, and nothing of ours was taken. Anyway, the police came in and dusted for fingerprints, but we already had a suspect in mind-- our ex-roommate Johnae. She still had keys to our dorm because she never officially checked out of Lakeside, even though she was already living in a different residential hall. Not only were we fucked over by our ex roommate, but we were fucked over by the Housing department as well, and all they can tell us is that we're safe now and that they're sorry it happened. Yeah, and i'm sorry I ever decided that living in the dorms another year was a good idea.
Kevin, our neighbor in room 304, came to our dorm last night, and we told him everything that happened. He said that we should just let go. I find it really hard to right now. I find it hard to concentrate on anything else. I find it hard to recite that one line in the Lord's Prayer wherein we pray for forgiveness and the ability to forgive others. Time will eventually bring down this anger in me, but for now I'm feeling violated and vengeful.
Posted by
Ms. D
2:23 PM
Screw my attempts....
25 March 2004Okay, wayy too much has been happening to me these past three weeks, and I feel like every time I want to blog it, I need to finish recapping Spring break. So, here's the outline:
Tuesday: Sarasota with Tita Pacing and Leah. Long drive, mellow museum exhibit--- and to think that the Ringling mansion was built off the profits of circus freaks. Then, a scary drive up Highway 27 (and I even got lost a few times), but I made it to Gainesville.
Wednesday: Drive to Panama City, meet up with Kari and her slightly inerbriated Engineering Major friends. Find out that two guys are rooming in the same condo. They get continually drunk, I watch in a sort of wistful disbelief, if you know what I mean. How can people drink so much without passing out? Too bad I gave the stuff up for Lent, or maybe that was a good thing... First time I slept in a bed with another guy-- one king-sized bed, three girls, two guys. Very Weird.
Thursday: Walked along beach-- too cold to get into water. Again, watched the others get drunk, then play mini-golf, and then went on the sky-rider-- a human pendulum ride that lifts you really high and lets you swing back and forth. I was strapped beside two drunk girls. Went to Pensacola that night, went to Seville for my first time. Very smokey, but great dancing. Lots of the guys hollered... you know how it goes. ^.~
Friday: Go home. Pick weeds and dead grass, and set new grass in.
Saturday: Go shopping. play with cousin from Houston who came to visit.
Sunday: Go to Church. Go to Gainesville with Kari. Drop cell phone in toilet along the way. whoops. Have dinner with Aunt and Uncle from Houston, who were on their way down to Naples. They take a tour of my messy dorm.
Now i can get back into my normal blogs of skipping thermo, failing physics quizzes, and enjoying the spring semester.
Posted by
Ms. D
2:49 AM
Mardis Gras Beads and Comic Strip Trivia
18 March 2004Last Monday (March 8), Leah and I went to Islands of Adventure, a new theme park for Universal Studios. We rode the rides, and then we just walked around the park for a while. Popeye, Olive Oyl, and Bluto all made an appearance at Toon Lagoon, so I took a picture with them with my nifty camera phone. There were some employees of IOA giving away Mardis Gras beads for comic strip trivia, so Leah and I hung around to get some beads. As it turns out, Leah and I were the queens of comic strips, because we were just racking up the beads like no one else. And, when the guy ran out of beads, another employee came in his place with a whole stack of beads, asking the same questions. Then, of course the mothers of the kids came to us to ask for beads, and we obliged. At Seuss Landing, the employee there was asking Seuss questions. He made Leah and I make a rhyme for a bead-- "Do I have to plead to get some bead?" =) Leah and I were touting those beads around like pros up and down IOA-- all the fellas' heads turned. ^.~
Afterwards, we met up with Ayan and went to Florida Mall, then Leah and I headed out to Tita Pacing's. We ate dinner and played mahjonng. I finally learned Mahjonng, so now I can play with all the titas and titos! I feel like a big Pinay Baller now. =)
Posted by
Ms. D
7:13 AM
All About Day#7066 of my wonderful life
17 March 2004It was Sunday, the seventh of March. I went to church with Tita Pacing, and afterwards we joined her other senior citizen friends at a Truckstop diner and had lunch. One of the things I love about my chosen ambition is other people's reactions on hearing that I want to be a cardiologist. Idle conversation naturally steered into my background information, since the geriatrics didn't know who I was, and they were very interested in my college life. At the end of the lunch I recruited myself another client! I'm not yet twenty, nor am I a practicing cardiologist, but one of the men at the table said to me that he wanted me to be his doctor because I'm way cuter than his current cardiologist. So, the lesson learned here: Who needs a Harvard Medical Degree when Cuteness works so much better?
Tita Pacing and I went to the a tourist shop, and I bought myself a cute $20 bathing suit. We then headed for the Florida Mall, where I paid waay too much for a haircut. $27!! That's ridiculous. I'm definitely going to Fantastic Sams from now on.
Then, I played tennis with Leah and her bro and some of her other friends, and yes-- it was embarrassing. I don't really want to go into details of it, because I'm just too lazy to type it out right now. Afterwards, Leah, her bro, Jason, Annabelle, and I all went back to Jason's apartment and had barbeque. Eating barbeque each time makes me so proud to be a carnivore, I don't know why. Anyway, clumsy me spilled pickle juice all over Ayan, and he was jumping all around and saying he was allergic to the juice. I got scared and concerned and I felt extremely guilty--- but then he started laughing. He definitely got me on that joke. haha... okay, moving on.
We all huddled around Madame Ann and her deck of poker cards. Everyone took turns getting their love cards analyzed, and it was all so funny. First you have a partner in mind, and then you choose certain piles of cards, and then she lays the cards out and tells you what its placement means. Ayan chose me since he didn't have another girl to think of. And, it said we were in love and there were no obstacles. We're getting married April 24, 2010-- mark it on your calendars, y'all!
Then, Gary (the guy who cooked all the delicious chicken and other meat) recognized me and ordered me to sing. So, before leaving, I sang "How Do I Live" with a little bit of "Paano na Kung Wala Ka." Then, i forgot the Tagalog refrain, and I ended it there. Again-- embarrassing.
Arrived home around 11pm or so, after taking the wrong road twice and heading towards Kissimmee. I can officially say now that I am the worst when it comes to directional driving. I even get lost in Pensacola-- my own town! =/
7th March 2004 = Fun times with family and friends minus stressful school and homework.
Posted by
Ms. D
8:59 AM
it's a rosy world
My "harry potter" glasses, as Layla calls them, have officially broken, so I've resorted to wearing my pink-tinted bebe designer prescription glasses that I got in 11th grade, and my cup runneth over with compliments. ^_^
Anyway, I want documentation that my Spring Break ROCKED (!), and my memory constantly lapses, so I desperately need this blogged out; however, I just did so many things that I couldn't possibly write it on one blog. I think I'll break it down into series. So, here goes my attempt.
My Spring Break started in Orlando, where I stayed with my Tita Pacing from Saturday to Monday. I left Gainesville Saturday around 11 am, thinking that i had to be in Orlando by 1 pm. Tita Pacing bought both of us tickets to Cirque Du Soleil, and I thought it started at 2 pm. So, I raced to Orlando yet still hit I-4 traffic. When I finally arrived at 1:30, I find out that the show started at 6 pm that night. I was even all dressed up for the occassion, thinking I wouldn't have time to dress in Orlando. Instead, she took me straight to a Chinese buffet for lunch. All the people were looking at me like I was crazy for being so overdressed. I'll tell you-- I looked good.
The food at that restaurant was so good, or maybe it was just because I hadn't eaten since that Friday afternoon that I was able to consume four plates full of MSG-free Chinese food. Either way, I was content.
Cirque du Soleil was so amazing, I was just in awe with the stunts those performers could do onstage. However, fatigue from my Physics test had settled in on me, and I was desparately trying not to nod off. I enjoyed that show so much. I really don't know how to describe it all, because it was so abstract. I came out of Downtown Disney wishing I could be a fearless tightrope-walking acrobatic contortionist; but then again, with or without watching Cirque du Soleil, I would have had that secret desire. =P
Will update on more later. Going to sleep now.
Posted by
Ms. D
1:44 AM
Now in the hands of the physics god
06 March 2004The test yesterday was not bad. I studied 3 days, paid someone $30 to teach me, and now I have a 7! A 7 out of 10! That was $30 well spent. =)
Anyway, Spring break is here--the week where intentions to do homework are put through a paper shredder. I said I would do thermo, physics, get ahead on bio, and so forth and so on. My dad's one request is that I don't get drunk.
Posted by
Ms. D
7:18 AM
The heavens opened after a week of dreariness, and the sun came in, awaking the dormant earth...
03 March 2004And all the plants, recently rained upon, received the next element necessary for photosynthesis-- Sunlight. The plants were able to thrive once again, and in a frenzy, they let out their seeds to be fertilized, so that future generations would be able to nourish themselves in such sublime conditions. Their seeds, however, do not have the same discriminatory tendencies that their parent plants do, so they do not differentiate between the ground, and... say, my sinuses!
I hate everytime that this happens!! Today is officially one of those non-breathing days for me. I hate allergies.
But today has been a good day, despite the episodes of sneezing. I found out today that I made a 91 on my thermodynamics test. A 91-- me!! This test grade is coming from the same girl who asked the TA on the week of the exam, "what is the first law of thermodynamics, again?" I'm sure TA Adam was thrown for a loop. I know I was! I studied so much for that test, and I'm glad that my studying has finally done me something other than stress. Naturally, I did not attend class today-- I never attend unless I have to turn in homework, because the class is pointless and the lecturer is tiring. Aaron told me, "when the tests were being passed around, I noticed that you got a 91 (!), and that alot of people made 40s and 50s. The average was around a 60, probably." I usually don't brag about my grades, but I think that in this case, I need a bullhorn.
After chem, I'm going straight home to take a nap, and then I'll cook myself some tocino, and I'll study for the upcoming physics test on Friday. I did not find out about this test until yesterday, when Abel asked me how I was going to study for physics.
I answered, "I think that as long as I review for it over the spring break, I'll be good."
And he said, "But the test is this Friday."
Oh SHiT.
I would be studying every waking minute right now, considering I haven't an inkling what the professor is discussing in lecture, but I have confidence in the review session tonight. After all, I'll be paying $30 for it. Oh well... we'll see what Friday brings!
By the way, I'm in the process of making a new blog template for myself-- please excuse this ugly blogspot.
Posted by
Ms. D
1:21 PM
Am in lurve <3

- a tale of two parking tickets
- God must be a Gator fan for He made the sun orange...
- Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who...
- Screw my attempts....
- Mardis Gras Beads and Comic Strip Trivia
- All About Day#7066 of my wonderful life
- it's a rosy world
- Now in the hands of the physics god
- The heavens opened after a week of dreariness, and...