I have this sort of piggy bank in which I have collected money since I was 2. After 15 years of depositing pennies, quarters, nickels, dimes, and some Chuckie Cheese Coins, it has been opened and the money counted. Over eight-hundred dollars. Hmm.. that would mean I deposited like $53 per year. I thought that there would at least be a thousand or something, but hey, eight-hundred dollars is still cool. ^_^
BTW, for those of you who were expecting some updates... I'm taking a break. Actually, I'm packing up for my big move to the dorm. I'll be leaving this weekend. Excited?? not really
Posted by
Ms. D
9:55 AM
I just found out the names of my roommates for my dorm. Hmm.. I wonder what they're like. I hope I don't end up being the weird one. Gotta think of how to make a good impression.
Posted by
Ms. D
9:34 AM
I woke up at like 1 am, so I decided to watch some movie on Blockbuster pay-per-view. i am sam was on. I cried soooo much! What a sweet movie. That little girl was so cute. Plot was good, Sean Penn's portrayal of a retarded person was good, and so on and so on...
Let's see, today my sister has to take this test for Tae Kwon Do. She just began in June, and now they're looking to update her from white belt to whichever color is next. I hope she does well. After all, I wouldn't want all those times I had to drive her there be a total waste.
Posted by
Ms. D
12:39 PM
Okay, I'm online at 3 in the morning because I just woke up from a restful slumber. My sleeping pattern has been screwed up ever since school ended. I don't know what the deal is.
All the junk mail in my box is getting on my nerves. I like get 40 each day!! So, now I'm gonna unsubscribe to every one of those junk-mailers.
Anyway, have you ever heard of the gay decorator Christopher Lowell that has his own show on the discovery channel? Well, ever since watching an hour of him, I've been inspired. I have actually cleaned the living room, and parts of the kitchen. Such an amazing feat. I mean, it looks great now, and not trashy as it did before. I probably did more in that afternoon than I had the entire summer.
One more amazing thing I gotta mention: I've been losing weight, and I have done nothing except sleep, go to the bathroom, and put food in my mouth. I hope this continues!
Posted by
Ms. D
4:13 AM